count in blackjack

How to Learn to Count Cards in Blackjack?

Blackjack, one of the most popular card games in casinos worldwide, has always been a subject of fascination for avid players and spectators alike. A blend of strategy and chance, it presents an opportunity for skilled players to tilt the odds in their favor. One such method is card counting. Let’s delve deeper into this intriguing technique.

Card counting in blackjack is essentially a method of tracking the composition of the cards in the deck. The idea is to ascertain when the deck is favorable to the player, enabling more informed betting and hitting decisions.

Step by Step: Card Counting

  1. Understand the Basics: Before diving into card counting, ensure you have a strong grasp of basic blackjack strategy.
  2. Assign Values: Each card is assigned a specific value (usually +1, 0, or -1). The system you adopt determines the values.
  3. Keep a Running Count: As cards are dealt, keep a mental tally based on the values of the cards you see.
  4. Calculate the True Count: This involves adjusting the running count based on the number of decks remaining.
  5. Adjust Your Bets: As the true count increases, so should your bets, since a high count means a deck favorable to the player.

Counting Systems

There are several card counting systems, each with its level of complexity and accuracy. Some of the most renowned include:

  • Hi-Lo System: Perhaps the most popular, cards 2-6 are counted as +1, 7-9 as 0, and 10-Aces as -1.
  • KO (Knock Out) System: Similar to Hi-Lo but with different card value assignments.
  • Omega II: A more advanced multi-level system with different values assigned to individual cards for greater accuracy.
How to count cards in blackjack

Can you count cards in a casino?

Casinos and Card Counting: While card counting isn’t illegal, casinos are not fond of card counters. They see it as an unfair advantage. If caught, a casino may ask the player to leave or bar them from playing blackjack.

Online Casino: Card counting in an online casino is more complicated. Most online platforms use algorithms that shuffle the cards after each deal, making traditional card counting inefficient. The last online casino that does not mix cards and accepts an account is Joo casino. However, some live dealer games may offer this option, although it is significantly more difficult due to faster play and frequent shuffling.


Card counting is an exciting strategy that, when mastered, can substantially improve a player’s odds in blackjack. While it requires practice, dedication, and a keen mind, the potential rewards make it an enticing challenge. However, players should always be aware of the risks, especially concerning casino policies on card counters.